Registration / Re-registration

Registration for a doctorate is compulsory and must be renewed every academic year until the end of the thesis.

During the thesis, time is counted in academic years. For example, for a student who registers for a thesis in March 2012, the first year of the thesis (D1) runs from March 2012 to August 2012, the second year of the thesis (D2) runs from September 2012 to August 2013, and so on. Such a student must register for D2 at the start of the academic year in September 2012.

A distinction must be made between pedagogical registration, which is done with the doctoral school, and administrative registration, which is done with your institution.

Academic registration with the doctoral school

Academic registration is done via the ADUM application. You will be asked to fill in as much information about your application as possible (type of funding, origin of funding, thesis director, laboratory, etc.). Once your application has been completed online, it must be validated by the thesis director, the laboratory and the doctoral school. For more details, depending on your situation, see the tabs "Registration for 1st year", "Re-enrolment in D2 and D3" or "Re-enrolment in D4 and above".

ADUM allows you to:

  • Access your file throughout your doctoral studies
  • Re-register with the ED each year
  • Declare online any activities, training or mobility that will enhance your doctorate
  • Register for multidisciplinary training courses at the University of Lyon
  • Register for training courses dedicated to doctoral student-teachers


Administrative registration with your institution

You will be invited by e-mail to register with the ED partner institution that you have chosen in advance. You will receive by post details of the procedure to follow and the date until which you can proceed.

Doctoral registration fees must be paid each year to your institution. The amount of these fees is set each year by ministerial decree. As an indication, these amounted to €380 for 2012/2013. A further €5 may be added for preventive medicine and optional access to sports activities.

The date on which you pay your first-year registration fee marks the start of your thesis. In practical terms, you will have three years to complete your doctorate from this date.

Joint thesis

You must be registered with both institutions every year of your doctorate. The cotutelle agreement provides for exemption in one of the two institutions. Registration for the 1st year and re-registration in your Lyon institution (indicate the ED's partner institutions) are compulsory, even if you are not in Lyon during the registration period. 

The ED requires that co-tutored PhD students spend a minimum of 6 months in the Lyon laboratory over 2 consecutive years.

CIFRE thesis

Following a CIFRE thesis application to the ANRT, the doctoral school must issue a certificate at the request of the doctoral student/dissertation director. To obtain this certificate, write to: and provide the information below. Send the documents with a link.

  • Master's transcript of marks
  • Thesis subject
  • Letter from the director of the host laboratory
  • Exact name and address of the company
  • CV
  • Date and place of birth (not always indicated in the CV)
  • Name of thesis supervisor 
  • Name of any co-supervisor

Gap year

Form to ask for an interruption (maximum une year).

Registration for the 1st year of doctoral studies (new doctoral student)

You are a student wishing to enrol for the first time in the doctoral programme at the INFOMATHS doctoral school: all enrolments are made online via ADUM.
You must be able to obtain funding for the entire duration of your thesis (including 4th year and beyond if necessary). A tolerance is granted for the final year of the thesis when the PhD defence takes place before the end of December of the academic year concerned.

To register for the first time, you must first open an account on ADUM.

You must then log in to your ADUM account, fill in the information requested and provide the following documents:

  • Master's degree (or equivalent)
  • CV
  • M1 and M2 marks
  • Proof of funding
  • Thesis proposal
  • Letter of support from thesis supervisor
  • Doctoral Charter signed by the doctoral student, the thesis director (and any co-supervisor) and the unit director.
  • Convention Individuelle de Formation Doctorale (Individual Doctoral Training Agreement) from the InfoMaths ED. The agreement must be jointly completed and signed by the thesis director and the doctoral student.
  • Co-supervision agreement (if applicable)
  • ANRT agreement (in the case of a CIFRE thesis)
  • In the case of a thesis at the LIRIS laboratory (ZRR Unit), the agreement of the Defence Security Officer.
  • Miscellaneous: any other information you wish to provide (at your discretion)

You will then have to wait for successive approvals from the ED secretariat, the thesis director, the lab director and the ED director. Then comes the stage of administrative registration with the institution.

Service Scolarité

Gestionnaire des inscriptions en thèse 
(1ère, 2ème, 3ème, 4ème année et plus), soutenances de thèse

Tél : 33 (0) 472.18.65.21 
Mail : francoise.minjard-leynaud@ec-lyon.Fr
Site web :

Service Scolarité

Gestionnaire des inscriptions en thèse
(1ere, 2ème, 3ème, 4ème année et plus), soutenance de thèse

Mme Emeline SIMIEN
Tél : 33 (0) 437.37.62.86 
Mail :
Site web :

Service Scolarité

Gestionnaire des inscriptions en thèse 
(1ère, 2ème, 3ème, 4ème année et plus)

Mme Sandrine PUZIN
Tél. 33 (0) 472 43 85 60 
Mail :
Site web :

Service Scolarité

Gestionnaire des inscriptions en thèse
(1ère, 2ème, 3ème, 4ème année et plus)

Mme Fabienne MACRO 
Tél : 33 (0) 472.43 27 46 
Mail :
Site web :
Thèse et Soutenance

Service Scolarité

Gestionnaire des inscriptions en thèse
(1ere, 2ème, 3ème, 4ème année et plus), soutenance de thèse

Mme Mélina FAVETON
Tél : 33 (0) 478.69.77.79
Mail :
Site web :

Re-registration for 2nd or 3rd year of thesis

The deadline for re-enrolment applications is June 15 each year.

Registration is done on ADUM. You must create a pdf file with the following documents:

  • Updated CV
  • Progress report, including research prospects for the coming year, written by the doctoral student (2 pages). If you are re-registering in D2 and your thesis began after 31 March of the first year of your thesis, the progress report is replaced by a letter specifying the start date of the thesis and the research prospects for the following year.
  • A letter from the thesis director attesting to the progress of the research work and specifying the prospects for the following year.
  • Miscellaneous: other information you wish to provide (at your discretion)

This pdf file must then be uploaded to ADUM as supporting documents for the doctoral school. You will then have to wait for successive validations from the ED secretariat, the thesis director, the lab director and the ED director.

You must also file in the dedicated spaces on ADUM:

  • The report of the individual monitoring committee, dated and signed. If you are re-registering for the 2nd year of your thesis and your thesis began after 31 January of the first year of your thesis, the report from the individual monitoring committee is not required.
  • Proof of funding. If you do not have proof of funding before the re-registration deadline, ask your thesis director to draw up a certificate showing the type of funding and the amount expected for the following year.
  • Updated Individual Doctoral Training Agreement.
  • Co-supervision agreement (if applicable).

Re-enrolment in 4th year of thesis or more

The "normal" duration of a thesis is 3 years. However, a 4th registration (registration in D4) may be granted if duly justified.
Registration in D5 is a derogation and can only be granted in very rare cases. To apply for registration in D5, you must submit all the information required for registration in D4, as well as any documents that explain the reasons for the delay (employer's certificate, medical certificate, etc.). In addition, the letter from your thesis director must justify the reasons for the delay in your thesis work and include a detailed timetable with the foreseeable date of the defence.

The application procedure is the same as for D2 or D3, only the content of the application is different. 

The deadline for re-enrolment applications is 15 June each year.

Registration is done on ADUM. You must create a pdf file with the following documents:

  • Updated CV.
  • Progress report written by the doctoral student.
  • Letter from the thesis director attesting to the progress of the research work and specifying the defence prospects for the following year.
  • Request for exemption drawn up by the thesis director.
  • Miscellaneous: other information you wish to provide (at your discretion)

This pdf file must then be uploaded to ADUM as supporting documents for the doctoral school. You will then have to wait for successive validations from the ED secretariat, the thesis director, the lab director and the ED director.

You must also file in the dedicated spaces on ADUM:

  • The report of the individual monitoring committee, dated and signed. 
  • Proof of funding.
  • Updated Individual Doctoral Training Agreement.
  • Co-supervision agreement (if applicable).

In the case of a PhD defence taking place between September and December of the academic year of registration, all these documents may be replaced by your defence dossier (proposal for jury and rapporteurs) signed by the doctoral school.