The missions of the ED
The main missions of the ED InfoMaths are to provide doctoral students with a doctoral education and an environment conducive to the advancement of their research, and to help them define a solid professional project throughout their thesis. In order to do so, the InfoMaths ED is committed to :
- Implementing a policy for the selection of doctoral students based on explicit and public criteria,
- Ensure the quality of the supervision of doctoral students by the research units and teams,
- Ensure compliance with the thesis charter and its implementation. It ensures that doctoral students are able to prepare and defend their thesis in the best possible conditions,
- Organize scientific and intellectual exchanges between doctoral students,
- Offer to doctoral students training that is useful for their research and professional projects, as well as the training necessary for the acquisition of a broader scientific culture,
- Organize a follow-up and define a support relative to the professional insertion of the PhD students,
- Provide an European and international opening, in connection with foreign higher education institutions and research centers, in particular through the promotion of co-supervision theses (doctorate awarded by both institutions, one of which is abroad, under co-supervision).
Management of the doctoral school
The InfoMaths ED is directed by Hamamache KHEDDOUCI (Director), Dragos IFTIMIE (co-director) and Renée EL MELHEM (Assistant to the Director).
Co-operating institutions
- Université Claude Bernard - Lyon I
- Université Lumière - Lyon 2
- Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3
- Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon
- Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon
- Ecole Centrale Lyon
Thesis Commission
The Thesis Committee is chaired by the ED Director. It gives its opinion on the composition of doctoral thesis juries and on applications for habilitation to direct research. It is responsible for monitoring doctoral students on an annual basis. It is made up of the director, co-director and 28 members (professors or HdR) representing the ED's disciplines (computer science, mathematics).
Internal rules
The InfoMaths doctoral school's internal rules are available here.